7.2 Methods of plastic analysis

The criteria to be followed in plastic analysis to identify a correct load factor: Three fundamental theorems are based on the criteria named (see [Cpr11]):

Theorem 7.2.1 (the lower bound (safe) theorem or static theorem)  
A load computed on the basis of a bending moment distribution in which the moment nowhere exceeds $M_{pl}$ is either equal to or less than the true collapse load.

A bending moment diagram is found which satisfies the conditions of equilibrium. The load factor $\lambda_{i}$ in Eq. (7.1) is either less than or equal to the true load factor at collapse (see Fig. 7.6).

Figure 7.6: Upper and lower bound values

Theorem 7.2.2 (the upper bound (unsafe) theorem or kinematic theorem)   A load computed on the basis of an assumed mechanism is either equal to or greater than the true collapse load. When several mechanisms are tried, the true collapse load will be the smallest of them.

A bending moment diagram is found which satisfies the conditions of equilibrium. The load factor $\lambda_{i}$ in Eq. (7.1) is either greater than or equal to the true load factor at collapse (see Fig. 7.6).

Theorem 7.2.3 (the uniqueness theorem)  
A load computed on the basis of bending moment distribution which satisfies both the plastic moment and mechanism conditions is ae true plastic collapse load.

A bending moment diagram is found which satisfies the conditions of equilibrium. The load factor $\lambda_{i}$ of Eq. (7.1) is the true load factor at collapse.         

Basically there are three methods of analysis (see [Cpr11] p. 28):

The load incremental method

This method is most readily suited for computer implementation. We will concentrate only on this one, using the EST method (see Example 8.1). Let us assume that

The method is based on an incremental process producing a sequence of the load factor $\lambda_{i}$ of Eq. (7.1). The following steps are made:

  1. Increasing the load $\lambda_{o}$ times ( $\lambda_{o} F_{i}$) to the appearance of a full plastic moment $M_{pl}^{\left( 0\right)}$. For that
  2. In an n-1 times statically indeterminate structure, increasing the load $\lambda_{1}$ times to the appearance of a second full plastic moment $M_{pl}^{\left( 1\right)}$. For that
  3. Repeating the step-by-step procedure until the structure is statically determinate (n=0).
  4. Increasing the load in the statically determinate structure (n=0) to the appearance of a full plastic moment $M_{pl}^{\left( n\right)}$. A plastic hinge forms and the structure becomes a mechanism. The structure cannot sustain any more load and thus will collapse at $F_{lim}$. The load computed in which the moment exceeds $M_{pl}^{\left( n\right)}$ is equal to the true collapse load. For that
